
Customer Service- How to deal with any changes in your work professionally?

Customer service is a crucial part for each individual organization, customers often expect more than you can do. Sometimes, fresh graduates would deal with difficult customers in the beginning of career development due to lack of experience.

Case:  When you are informed that customer want you replaced of the account.

  1. ·      Get control of yourself: be calm and patient, then develop a masterplan for the project that customer is not satisfied.
  2. ·      Show the customer you care: listen carefully from customer’s feedback and let the customer vent, to show concern for the customer’s feelings
  3. ·      Don't blame the customer or the company: explain company’s policy and show you are competent to do this job in term of developing a masterplan for the project that customer is not satisfied; have a conversation with customers professionally.
  4. ·      Try to solve the problem or get someone who can: get all solutions and provide a feasibility analysis who has more power and authority.

Personally speaking, I strong believe that you can’t control anyone else’s behaviour. You have control only over your own action. But you can influence how customers respond to you to some degree. Rather than being negative fresh graduate, your reaction should be in a positive way and encourage yourself to make conversation with clients, and hence gain more experience in dealing with variable clients.